Friday, March 29, 2019

Science Vessel SC07 Training

A1ON5678 officer's log:

At times on the bridge, we notice some officers will not be so quick to respond to orders or standard operating procedures. These tell tale signs often means they could be off their game that day, or just simply didn't retain the details required to full fill their roles. 

This became apparent when a few officers admitted they didn't know how beacons, tags and probes really worked. Since we had a new officer join us, it gave the training sergeant the opportunity to advise us strongly to review the ordnance onboard the science vessel, and run drills. 

The team's ability to perform in any high paced scenario requires knowledge of their own and other's station on the bridge. The old adage of, we are are strong as the weakest link applies here. So it was important we took the time to review the operating procedures of these ordnance onboard SC07 with this crew.

It worked out really well, as the all the officers said they needed a refresher regardless if one did know or not. It was a win-win mission!

Science Vessel - SC07 
Confirmed Tags, Beacons and Probes usage with crew. Beacons have a 5 minute power source. Tags are used when sensor range is low. Probes can double scan when it goes directly over top of the object.

Preparing for a Deep Space Science Mission. This could mean a persisting a science vessel, traveling over 12 hours from point A to point B for a deep space mission. Using shifts to travel a good distance maybe in order. However, it maybe wiser to fly a scout ship in sustained mode, as it can traverse 36 sectors in 60 minutes at just below warp one.

Starry - Helm
Anonymous - Engineer
Tomahawk - Weapons
Dave - Science/Comms

Friday, March 15, 2019

Readying Science Vessel SC07

A1ON5678's log:

A new officer was assigned captain of the science vessel SC07 as it was ready for a field test. The other seven science vessels are still under construction or being programmed. The orders handed down were to ensure all systems were functioning on SC07, and to verify the energy efficiency rating was above 90% while traveling at sustainable impulse. These vessels are going to be sent out on long deep space missions in the near future.

I'm curious with how far one of these vessels can really go now! 

Captain ToxicTwinkie briefed us and off we went. We tagged two space whales, fired several beacons to rescue a pod of whales from the black hole. Probes systems and scanned another pod of whales.

We then flew from DS02 in sector (2,2) to sector (3,2), then back at sustainable impulse. Engineer Xansta confirmed system efficiency was well over 90%. Officer Starry was able to scan multiple space whales in the area. 

It was an uneventful mission, but an important one because readying these vessels will allow scientists to learn more about what is out there.